Jason Dee's Fundraiser

Run domestic violence out of town!
Join me and help make a difference in a survivor’s life. Please give today!
If you felt someone had complete control over your life, would you feel safe leaving? Leaving domestic abuse is extremely difficult and often the most dangerous time in a survivor’s life. They often rely on the abuser’s financial support, children are involved, and/or the threat of harm for leaving can be far more severe. As a domestic violence legal aid attorney, I see these barriers to survivors every day.
Together, we can make a difference for survivors of violence! For the 2024 Chicago Marathon, I’m raising money to support survivors. Help me fundraise for The Network: Advocating Against Domestic Violence.
Your donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal of $1,750 for The Network's Run Domestic Violence Out of Town Bank of America Marathon running team.
Let’s run domestic violence out of town!