Cristalle Ruiz

Cristalle Ruiz's Fundraiser

I'm Running the Chicago Marathon to Raise Awareness of Domestic Violence image

I'm Running the Chicago Marathon to Raise Awareness of Domestic Violence

Please Donate Anything You Can!


$1,480 towards $1,750

Breaking the Silence: Running for Domestic Violence Awareness

You and I probably know someone who has suffered silently with domestic violence. It affects so many without ever being spoken about. Domestic violence goes beyond physical abuse; it includes emotional, financial, and sexual abuse. At its core, it is about a person trying to gain or maintain control over another.

My running journey began when I was in an abusive relationship, and running helped me discover resilience. Alongside therapy, it gave me the courage to leave that toxic environment. As I prepare for the Chicago Marathon, I am dedicating my 26.2 miles to breaking the silence and encouraging others to do the same.

Run Domestic Violence Out of Town is a movement to offer support and empower survivors with the belief that change is possible. Your contribution can make a significant impact:

  • $25 provides a hot meal for a survivor and their family
  • $50 provides a counseling session
  • $100 provides a night of emergency shelter

Together, we can break the cycle of domestic violence. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference. Please donate today and help change a life.

With love and gratitude,

Cristalle :)

If it's easier to donate through Venmo/Zelle, please do @cristalleruiz or my phone number, and I will donate through the website on your behalf.