Mayra Salgado

Mayra Salgado's Fundraiser

We can “Run Domestic Violence Out of Town!” image

We can “Run Domestic Violence Out of Town!”

Help me make a difference, this is my first marathon run!


$1,100 towards $1,780

As an advocate of Domestic Violence, I have witnessed survivors suffer years of constant abuse! There has always been a need of funds to support gender-based Domestic Violence organizations that offer services/resources to survivors of abuse. This year I decided to run the marathon to raise funds for “Run Domestic Violence Out of Town”, raised funds will go towards the Survivor Crisis Fund, allowing survivors of gender-based violence to receive services provided by our gender-based domestic violence organization. Let’s make a difference for survivors of gender-based violence that have endured years of abuse. I AM RUNNING MY FIRST MARATHON on behalf of all victims/survivors of gender-based Domestic Violence. This run is dedicated to all victims that are no longer with us and to all the survivors that have gain strength and resiliency, this run is for YOU! 💜

A small donation will go a long way, help me meet my goal of $1,800 for The Network's “Run Domestic Violence Out of Town” Bank of America Marathon running team.